- Certificate in Analytical Chemistry
- Certificate in Billing & Insurance in Clinical Laboratory
- Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Front Desk Operations
- Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Information System Management
- Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Inventory Management
- Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Logistics Management
- Certificate in Clinical Samples Collection & Preanalytical Processes
- Certificate in Customer Service in Clinical Laboratory
- Certificate in Cytopathology & Histopathology Techniques
- Certificate in Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking
- Certificate in Laboratory Quality Management System
- Certificate in Microbiology, Serology & Immunology
- Certificate in Molecular Diagnostic Science
- Certificate in Urine & other Body Fluids Analysis
- Certificate in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology
- Advanced Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Technology
- Certificate in Sales & Marketing in Clinical Laboratory
Program Overview
Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician are important members in Medical Laboratory Science profession. Analytical Chemistry (HPLC, LCMS, New-born Screening) is an essential component of all modern medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Analytical Chemistry program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, operating lab equipment in the Analytical Chemistry department, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relavent for the department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 06 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), operating lab equipment in the Analytical Chemistry department (HPLC, LCMS, New-born Screening-57 parameters), Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Analytical Chemistry, for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Analytical Chemistry:
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Efficient Laboratory billings and Insurance management is a critical success factor for Clinical Laboratory Science profession. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Billing & Insurance in Clinical Laboratory is designed to provide the existing Billing & Insurance professionals and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this critical department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your Laboratory billing & Insurance management skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory profession, which offers a rare combination of employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed:Data entry, Laboratory billings (Insurance & Non-insurance), Claims Information and Claim Form Formats, Deductibles and Co-insurance application for laboratory tests under insurance, Calculation of payments, Submission of claims & Rejection management.
The theoretical and practical portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the Billing & Insurance Certificate program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your skills required for working in this crucial department of medical laboratory.
Billing Management, Insurance processing, Claim submission & Resubmissions, Evaluating the Medical Necessity, Documentation, Denials & Rejections.
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
The program is designed to equip you with necessary expertise for career opportunities as Insurance & Billing professional in Clinical Laboratories / Healthcare Establishments
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working professionals in Clinical Laboratories / Healthcare Establishments. Medical coders. Minimum Qualification: High School Pass
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Describe the skills needed for Billing & Insurance professionals in Clinical Labs / Healthcare establishments.
2. Define the term Laboratory billings (Insurance & Non-insurance) and explain what it means.
3. Explaination on Payment calculations, Denials, Rejections and Receivables.
4. Discuss strategy of communications with Insurance companies, Patients and physicians.
5. Brief explanation on Lab tests, ICD & CPT coding.
6. Brief expanation on networking, Contracting & Pricing.
7. Billing for noncovered laboratory tests.
8. Description on insurance portals for coverage & Approvals.
9. Describe how to submit & Resubmit Electronic claims.
10. Miscellaneous Billing Provisions and Policies.
Program Overview
Efficient front desk operations is a crucial success factor for Clinical Laboratory Science profession. Effective and professional Front Desk staff plays extremely important role in bringing in increased patient satisfaction, specimen volume, revenue, and operating profits for the Clinical Labs. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Front Desk Operations program is designed to provide the existing Front Desk staff and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this crucial department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Customer Assistance, Communication Abilities, Data entry, Laboratory billings, Maintaining files and records, Time Management Skills.
The theoretical and practical portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the FDA program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your skills required for working in this crucial department of medical laboratory.
Soft skills, Communication, Data entry & Laboratory billings, Problem solving, Stress handling, Technical skills.
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
The program is designed to equip you with necessary expertise for career opportunities as a Front Desk professional in Clinical Laboratories.
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working Front Desk professionals in Clinical Labs. Minimum Qualification: High School Pass
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Describe the skills needed for Front desk Professionals in Clinical Labs
2. Define the term, ‘Front Desk Operations’ and explain what it means
3. Explain how to greet visitors, Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence.
4. Discuss how to maintain Lab calendars and schedules.
5. Discuss about Phone and Email etiquettes.
6. Describe data entry into the electronic health record.
7. Discuss billing and accounting.
8. Discuss Effective patient communication.
9. Discuss Stress management in work-place.
10. Discuss Organisational skills.
Program Overview
The Laboratory Information System (LIS) management is crucial for data management within laboratory workflow. By organizing data efficiently, they provide key support in the operations of laboratory business. Efficient and professional IT staff thus play an extremely important role in clinical lab operations. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Information System Management program is designed to provide the existing lab IT staff and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this critical department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your Lab Information System Management skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Basic Informatics & Technology, LIS Functions, Information Flow, Challenges in implementation, Troubleshooting
The theoretical and practical portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your skills required for working in this crucial department of medical laboratory.
Basic Informatics concepts & Technology (Hardware, Software, Networks, Security, Databases), Lab Information System (Pre-analysis, Analysis, Post-analysis, LIS Management), Communication Standards, Information Flow, Challenges in implementation, Troubleshooting
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
The program is designed to equip you with necessary expertise for career opportunities as IT professional handling Lab Information System in Clinical Laboratories.
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working IT professionals in Clinical Labs. Minimum qualification: BCA/BSc (IT)
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Describe the skills needed for IT Professionals handling Lab Information System in Clinical Labs
2. Define the term, ‘Lab Information System’ and explain what it means
3. Explain Lab Information System functions
4. Discuss flow of information in Lab Information System
5. Describe processes in Lab Information System: Patient Registration/Identification, Test Orders, Collecting & Receiving samples, Running tests, Result Review, Result Release
6. Discuss challenges in implementation of Lab Information System
7. Discuss likely problems during Lab Information System operations & Troubleshooting
Program Overview
Laboratory Inventory Management is an essential component of supply chain management of Clinical Laboratories. The basic aim is to ensure maintainence of right quantities of lab consumable and non-consumable products so that the lab does not go out of these resources during the operations. It will ensure cost optimization, reduces overstocking, reduces wastage, and improves lab productivity. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Inventory Management program is designed to provide the existing Lab Stores professionals and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this important department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your Inventory management skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory profession.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, both Central Store Management (Maintained by Laboratory Chains) and Internal Store Management (Maintained by single laboratories) will be focussed.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your knowledge and skills required for working in medical laboratory as Lab Store professional.
Creation of Stock List, Assigning Min & Max Stock Levels, Grouping Inventory Items, Organization of Workplace, Creation of Policies & Procedures, Purchase Order generation, Receiving items from vendor (Physically & in the System), Issuing the items against internal request, Reagent Temparature Management, Buffer Stock Management, Reagent Expiry Check, Inventory Monitoring, Item Consumption Tracking, Reagent Expiry/Wastage Management, Equipment Management
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Lab Store professionals are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary expertise for oppurtunities in these healthcare establishments as Lab Store professionals
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working professionals in Clinical Lab Store department. Minimum Qualification: High School Pass
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Perform all assigned laboratory store tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs and protocols.
3. Classify lab inventory items
4. Describe how to place orders, receive items from the vendors and issue the items.
5. Describe how to monitor stock position
6. Explain the process to prevent understocking & overstocking.
7. Describe how to prevent reagent wastage
8. Explain organization of workplace for better efficiency
9. Describe management of lab equipment
Program Overview
Lab logistics is an essential element of referral laboratories worldwide, and it is imperative to consider the transportation of clinical specimens for the labs from multiple locations. Analyzing and aligning logistics chain goals with a patient-first approach enables Laboratory to reduce costs while improving patient outcomes. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Logistics Management is designed to provide the existing Lab Logistics professionals and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this critical department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your Logistic Management skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory profession.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Types of Clinical Specimens for Laboratory, Supply Chain & Logistics Considerations for Clinical Specimens, Logistics Management & Policies with Logistics Implications
The theoretical and practical portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the Clinical Laborartory Logistics Management an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your skills required for working in this crucial department of medical laboratory.
Characteristics of Laboratory Clinical Specimens, Logistics Processes & Procedures, Logistics performance & Reliability, Technology in Logistics Management, Regulatory Policies
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
The program is designed to equip you with necessary expertise for career opportunities as Logistics professional in Clinical Laboratories.
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working professionals in Clinical Lab Logistics department. Minimum Qualification: High School Pass
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Describe Clinical Laboratory Logistic Services: Role and Organization
2. Define the term Clinical Specimens : Characteristics & Classification
3. Explain special storage requirements during specimens transportation
4. Packaging & Storing of Clinical Specimens
5. Discuss Logistics Chain
6. Discuss use of Technology in Logistics
7. Discuss Time Management and how to increase efficiency of Logistics Chain
Program Overview
Clinical Samples Collection and Pre-analytical processes constitutes a very important component of all medical laboratories. Over the years, a series of studies identified that 32% to 75% of all testing errors occur in the preanalytic phase. Thus, well trained lab technicians, phlebotomists, and nurses involved in sample collection and pre-analytical processes can significantly reduce testing errors and add great value to their establishments. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Clinical Samples Collection & Preanalytical Processes program is designed to provide these staff a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory/hospitals/clinics, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical staff involved in Clinical Sample collection & Pre-analytical processes. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Clinical samples collection, Specimen Transport, Accessioning, Specimen Processing, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in medical laboratory/hospital/clinics.
Clinical samples collection (Blood, urine, semen, blood culture, sputum, pus, faeces, CSF, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial & synovial fluids), Specimen Transport, Accessioning, Specimen Processing, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians / Nurses / Phlebotomists are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Clinical Samples Collection and Pre-analytical processes for oppurtunities in the said establishments.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS / B.Sc (Nursing) / M.Sc. (Nursing)
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Clinical Samples Collection and Pre-analytical Department:
1. Perform all assigned tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Accession specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical specimens processing from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate relevant instruments using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Customer satisfaction is a major success factor for Clinical Laboratory. It is a measure of how well a Clinical Laboratory services and overall customer experience meet customer expectations. It reflects the Lab business health by showing how well the lab services resonate with clients. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Customer Service in Clinical Laboratory program is designed to provide the existing professionals and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this critical department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your customer care skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Customer satisfaction, Complaint monitoring, General information on Laboratorys tests, Satisfaction surveys, Appropriate monitoring of tools and resources.
The theoretical and practical portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the Customer service program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your skills required for working in this crucial department of medical laboratory.
Customer service management skills, Confidential data handling, Phone Etiquette, Email Etiquette, Laboratory tests and Turn Around Time, Test In Questions.
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
The program is designed to equip you with necessary expertise for career opportunities as Customer service professional in private Clinical Laboratories.
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working Customer Service professionals in Clinical Labs. Minimum Qualification: High School Pass
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Describe the skills needed for Customer service Professionals in Clinical Labs
2. Define the term ‘Customer service’ and explain what it means
3. Describe phone handling skills and active listening.
4. Discuss handling highly confidential informations.
5. Discuss methods of resolving customer complaints.
6. Discuss effective communication, relationship building and customers trust.
7. Discuss Time Management skills.
8. Discuss general information on Laboratory tests, specimens and Turn Around Time for tests.
9. Discuss Test in Questions
10. Discuss collection and analysis of customer feedback
Program Overview
Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician are important members in Medical Laboratory Science profession. Cytopathology & Histopathology Department is an essential component of all modern medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Cytopathology & Histopathology Techniques program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, Tissue processing techniques, operating lab equipment in the Cytopathology & Histopathology Department, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relavent for the department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), operating lab equipment in the Cytopathology & Histopathology Department; automated Tissue Processing, Embedding, Microtomy, Autostaining, Thin Prep, Body Fluid Cytology, Special Stains, FNAC, Report Transcription, Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System relavent for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Cytopathology & Histopathology for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Cytopathology & Histopathology Department:
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician are important members in Medical Laboratory Science profession. Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking are essential components of all modern medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, operating lab equipment in the Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking department, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relavent for the department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), operating lab equipment in the Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking department, Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Haematology, Coagulation & Blood Banking:
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Achieving, maintaining and improving accuracy, timeliness and reliability of test results are major challenges for Clinical Laboratories. Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) is a standardized procedure and practice contributing to the overall quality of laboratory test results. According to LQMS, the quality of a testing result does not depend on a single step. But instead, it requires quality in individual processes, resources, and overall organizational structure. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) program is designed to provide existing LQMS professionals and persons aspiring to enter this profession, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience of working in the LQMS Department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP), CLSI and ISO 15189 standards for Lab Quality Management System. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Organization, Personnel, Equipment, Purchase & Inventory, Process Control, Information Management, Documents & Records, Occurence Management, Assessment, Process Improvement, Customer Service, Facility & Safety.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your knowledge & skills required for working in medical laboratory as a LQMS professional
This program covers topics that are essential for quality management of a clinical laboratory.
1. Organization (Managment review meeting, Delegation of duries & Responsibilities, Communication)
2. Personnel (Training & Competency assessment, Reward and Recognition, Employee annual Performance evaluation, staff feedback evaluation,
3. Equipment (Annual instrument and equipment evaluation)
4. Purchase & Inventory (Annual vender evaluation, Inventory audit)
5. Process Control (Quality Control – Internal and external)
6. Information Managment (Confidentiality, Document Control)
7. Document & Records (Review of records, Documentation accuracy)
8. Occurence Managment (Incident Reporting, Risk Assiment)
9. Assessment (Internal and External Audit)
10. Process Improvment (KPI AND CAPA)
11. Customer Service (Customer Feedback Evaluation)
12. Facility and safety (Annual Ergnomics evaluation, Annual Emergency dril, Safety Audit, Transportation and security Assessment)
Program Type
In-Person.The course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for LQMS professionals are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary expertise for oppurtunities in above healthcare establishments.
Who can apply/Admission Requirements
Existing Lab Techs, LQMS professionals, Managers, HODs, Directors of Clinical Laboratories. Also persons aspiring for these jobs.
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Define Lab Quality Management System (LQMS)
2. List and explain essential elements of LQMS
3. Define Quality Control (QC)
4. Explain Analytical Bias & Imprecision
5. Describe Calibration considerations in QC
6. Explain QC procedures
7. Explain verification of quality control evaluation parameters following a reagent lot change
8. Explain verification of method performance following use of a new lot of calibrator
9. Describe how to use patient data in quality control procedures
10. Explain External Quality Assessment, Proficiency Testing, Inter Laboratory Comparision
Program Overview
Microbiology, Serology & Immunology Department is an essential component of all modern medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Microbiology, Serology & Immunology program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, Microbiology, Serology & Immunology Analysis, operating relevant lab equipment, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), techniques in Microbiology, Serology & Immunology, operating relevant lab equipment, Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Microbiology, Serology & Immunology for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Microbiology, Serology & Immunology Department:
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Molecular Diagnostic Department is an essential component of all modern medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Molecular Diagnostic Science program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, operating lab equipment in the Molecular Diagnostic department, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), Molecular Diagnostic techniques in PCR, Flourescent In Situ Hybridization, Next Generation Sequencing, operating relevant lab equipment, Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Molecular Diagnostic Science for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Molecular Diagnostic Department:
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician are important members in Medical Laboratory Science profession. Urine & other Body Fluids Analysis Department is an essential component of all modern medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Urine & other Body Fluids Analysis program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in this crucial department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, operating lab equipment in the Urine & Body Fluid Analysis Department, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System relavent for the Department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), Urine & other Body Fluids Analysis (Urine, CSF, Synovial Fluid, Pleural Fluid, Pericardial Fluid, Peritoneal Fluid, Semen Analysis), operating relevant lab equipment, Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System relevant for the department.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Urine & other Body Fluid Analysis for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Urine & other Body Fluid Analysis Department:
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Clinical Chemistry and Immunology are important components of all medical laboratories. Lab technicians are expected to handle sophisticated auto-analyzers being used in this department in modern and advanced medical laboratories. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology department of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology leading to the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, operating lab equipment, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology in the Core Lab department.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 6 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes this program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), operating fully automated Clinical Chemistry & Immunoassay analyzers, Laboratory Information System and Lab Quality Management System in the Department
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
6 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology in the Core Lab, for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
5000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes in Clinical Chemistry & Immunology in the Core Lab.
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
In Medical Laboratory Science profession, Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician are important members. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Advanced Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Technology program is designed to provide the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in working in all the departments of a CAP accredited, highly advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will hone your technical skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of technical employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. The program’s curriculum is based on the College of American Pathology (CAP) and ISO 15189 standards of practice for medical laboratory assistants/technicians. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning, operating lab equipment in the Core Lab, Urine Analysis & Body Fluids Analysis, Blood Banking, Hemoglobinopathy Laboratory, Histopathology, Cytology, Cytogenetics & Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Microbiology Immunology & Allergy Laboratory, Molecular Laboratory, Bio Analytical Laboratory, Laboratory Information System & Lab Quality Management System.
The theoretical, practical and real-work portions of this program will be completed within 11 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the Medical Laboratory Technician program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your technical skills required for working in modern sophisticated medical laboratory.
Pre-Analytical Processes (Laboratory samples collection, Accessioning), operating lab equipment in the Core Lab (Completely automated Clinical Chemistry, Urine Analysis & other Body Fluids Analysis, Immunoassay, Hematology and Hemostasis analyzers), Blood Banking, Hemoglobinopathy Laboratory ( Hb variant analysis by HPLC), Histopathology & Cytology (automated Tissue Processing, Embedding, Microtomy, Autostaining, Thin Prep, Body Fluid Cytology, Special Stains, FNAC, Report Transcription), Cytogenetics & Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (Flourescent In Situ Hybridization), Microbiology Immunology & Allergy Laboratory (Bacterial & Fungal Cultures, Immunology, Allergy, Immunoflourescence assays, ELISA), Molecular Laboratory (RT PCR, Next Generation Sequencing), Bio Analytical Laboratory (HPLC, LCMS, New-born Screening-57 parameters), Laboratory Information System, Lab Quality Management System.
Program Type
In-Person. Course include formal lectures, hands-on training and discussion
Program Duration
11 months
Career Options
Career opportunities for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians are typically within hospitals, private laboratories, public health laboratories, healthcare clinics, research labs. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary technical expertise for oppurtunities in advanced, modern, and sophisticated medical laboratories.
Who can apply
Persons with Diploma in MLT / B.Sc. (MLT) / M.Sc. (MLT) / BLS / MLS / BBMS
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
7500 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes.
1. Perform all assigned laboratory tasks in a manner consistent with established competencies of the profession.
2. Complete all work in accordance with established SOPs, protocols, and safety guidelines, to ensure safe work practices.
3. Verify relevant data and contribute to the assurance that appropriate specimens are collected according to established SOPs.
4. Process specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
5. Perform pre-analytical procedures on specimens from a variety of sources according to established SOPs.
6. Operate various analyzers for medical laboratory testing using approved methods and according to laboratory standards and established procedures.
7. Follow quality assurance policies and procedures, and participate in quality assurance initiatives.
Program Overview
Effective sales and marketing is a critical success factor for Clinical Laboratory Science profession. Efficient and professional Sales & Marketing staff plays extremely important role in bringing in increased specimen volume, revenue, and operating profits for the Clinical Labs. Gulf Medical University & Thumbay Labs Certificate in Sales & Marketing in Clinical Laboratory program is designed to provide the existing Sales & Marketing staff and aspiring persons for this job, a unique oppurtunity to get trained and gain experience in this critical department of a highly successful, CAP accredited, advanced, automated and world class reference Medical Laboratory. The program will augment and hone your sales and marketing skills required for the exciting and rewarding world of the medical laboratory, which offers a rare combination of employment and the satisfaction of working with a diverse client population.
This is a competency-based program. To ensure that students become proficient, following areas will be focussed: Marketing Management, Sales Management, Consumer Charecterstics & Behavior, Marketing Research
The theoretical and practical portions of this program will be completed within 3 months, followed by competency assesment. The compressed delivery format makes the Sales & Marketing program an ideal choice if you wish to improve and augment your skills required for working in this crucial department of medical laboratory.
Marketing Management, Sales Management, Consumer characteristics & Behavior, Market Research
Program Type
In-Person. Online. Both formats include formal lectures, training and discussion
Program Duration
3 months
Career Options
The program is designed to equip you with necessary expertise for career opportunities as Sales and Marketing professional in private Clinical Laboratories.
Who can apply
People Aspiring to work / Working professionals in Sales & Marketing in Clinical Labs. Minimum Qualification: High School Pass
How to Apply
Online through Thumbay Labs website: https://thumbaylabs.com
In-Person: 3000 AED Online: 2000 AED
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes describes what students of the program have demonstrated they can do with the knowledge and skills they have achieved during their studies. The outcomes are in line with the needs of the workplace. Through assessment, students verify their ability to reliably perform these outcomes. |
1. Describe the skills needed for Sales & Marketing Professionals in Clinical Labs |
2. Define the term, ‘Sales & Marketing’ and explain what it means |
3. Explain sales and marketing processes, how to do market surveys, how to price lab tests |
4. Discuss methods of client engagement |
5. Outline ways to create an ideal sales and marketing environment for clinical labs |
6. Elucidate how to close deals with the clients |
7. Assess methods of targetting clients |
8. Describe how to deal with unhappy clients |
9. Describe how best to take advantage of trends |
10. Describe social media marketing strategies |