Our Labs

Our Diagnostics Solutions

Core Laboratory
Hemoglobinopathy Laboratory
High Complexity Histopathology - Cytopathology Laboratory
Cytogenetics & Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
Microarray Lab
Microbiology, Immunology and Allergy Laboratory
Bio analytical Laboratory
Clinical Research Unit
Independent Quality Assurance team

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Patient Preparation Many tests require specific patient preparation (i.e., fasting, diets, urine voiding). If you have questions about patient preparation for any test, please consult this Directory or call Client Services for further assistance.

Fasting Requirements A fasting specimen is preferred for the majority of tests performed on serum, plasma or whole blood. Non-fasting specimens often contain fat particles that can interfere with many analytical procedures. Refer Common Causes of Unacceptable Blood Specimens and Inaccurate Test Results (Turbidity) in the Blood, Urine and Stool section. Fasting is defined as no consumption of food or beverage, other than water, for at least 10 to 12 hours before testing.

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