U1 RPN (snRNP)Antibodies, Serum
Test Code: 7118 |
CPT Code: 86235 |
Specimen Type: Serum collected in a yellow-top tube |
Sample Volume: 3.0 mL (1.0
mL - min) |
Transport Condition: Refrigerated condition |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Gross hemolysis |
Methodology: Immunoassay |
Special Requirements: No special precautions needed |
Clinical Significance: U1 RNP antibodies in combination with Smith antibodies provides additional support for the diagnosis of SLE. A positive U1 RNP antibodies alone with the corresponding clinical history supports the diagnosis of mixed connective tissue disease.
Run Day: Sun |
Reporting Day: 3rd day |
Urea, 24 Hrs, Urine
Test Code: 317 |
CPT Code: 84540 |
Specimen Type: 24 hrs urine in sterile leak proof container |
Sample Volume: 10 mL |
Transport Condition: Refrigerated condition |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Nil |
Methodology: Spectrophotometry |
Special Requirements: 24 hrs urine with 10 g boric acid. Mention 24 hrs urine volume. |
Clinical Significance: Urea, a major end product of protein metabolism, is freely filtered by glomeruli. The majority of it is excreted into the urine, although variable amounts are reabsorbed along the nephron. This assay aids assessment of protein intake and/or nitrogen balance.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Urea, Serum
Test Code: 318 |
CPT Code: 84520 |
Specimen Type: Serum collected in a yellow-top tube |
Sample Volume: 3.0 mL (1.0mL - min) |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Gross hemolysis |
Methodology: Spectrophotometry |
Special Requirements: No special precautions needed |
Clinical Significance: Urea is the end product of protein metabolism. Important component of Renal Function Test.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Ureaplasma, Culture & Sensitivity
Test Code: 9952 |
CPT Code: 87109 |
Specimen Type: Urethral, vaginal, cervical swabs (dry or with media acceptable but preferred with media)/ semen in sterile leak proof container |
Sample Volume: 1-2 mL or 1to 2 swabs |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Inappropriate specimen transport device, mislabeled specimen, unlabeled specimen |
Methodology: Culture & Sensitivity |
Special Requirements: Not Applicable |
Clinical Significance: U parvum is usually the commonest species detected in various clinical specimens but U urealyticum is probably more pathogenic in conditions such as male urethritis. In humans,
both Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma species may be transmitted by direct contact; venereally through genital-to-genital or oral-to-genital contact, vertically from mother to offspring either at birth or in utero, or by nosocomial acquisition through transplanted tissues. U urealyticum and M genitalium are causes of non-chlamydial non-gonococcal urethritis in men.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: 2 weeks |
Uric Acid, 24 Hrs, Urine
Test Code: 16320 |
CPT Code: 84560 |
Specimen Type: 24 hrs urine |
Sample Volume: 5 mL |
Transport Condition: Refrigerated condition |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Nil |
Methodology: Spectrophotometry |
Special Requirements: 24 hrs urine with 5% sodium hydroxide. Mention 24 hrs urine volume. |
Clinical Significance: Uric acid is the end-product of purine metabolism. It is freely filtered by the glomeruli and most is reabsorbed by the tubules.There is also active tubular secretion. Urine uric acid levels reflect the amount of dietary purines and also endogenous nucleic acid breakdown. This assay aids in assessment and management of patients with kidney stones, particularly uric acid stones.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Uric Acid, Random, Urine
Test Code: 319 |
CPT Code: 84560 |
Specimen Type: Urine in sterile leak proof container |
Sample Volume: 10 mL |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: NA |
Methodology: Spectrophotometry |
Special Requirements: No special precautions needed |
Clinical Significance: Urine uric acid may supplement serum uric acid testing in investigating conditions in which there is alteration of uricacid production or excretion eg., gout, leukemia, renal diseases. The information about amount of uric acid excreted may be useful in treating asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Measurement of urine uric acid is important in the investigation of urolithiasis.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Uric Acid, Serum
Test Code: 1095 |
CPT Code: 84550 |
Specimen Type: Serum collected in a yellow-top tube |
Sample Volume: 3.0 mL (1.0mL - min) |
Transport Condition: Refrigerated condition |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Gross hemolysis |
Methodology: Spectrophotometry |
Special Requirements: No special precautions needed |
Clinical Significance: Serum uric acid measurements are useful in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous renal and metabolic disorders, including renal failure, gout, leukemia, psoriasis, starvation/ other wasting conditions, and in-patients receiving cytotoxic drugs.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Urinary Protein Creatinine Ratio (UPCR), Spot Urine
Test Code: 6140 |
CPT Code: Use individual CPTCodes |
Specimen Type: Spot urine |
Sample Volume: 3.0 mL |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Not Applicable |
Methodology: Electrophoresis |
Special Requirements: No special precautions needed |
Clinical Significance: Persistently increased protein excretion is usually a marker of kidney damage. Quantifying protein in urine is commonly used in the diagnosis of kidney diseases, detection of treatment effects and evaluation of prognosis.
Urinary protein creatinine ratio in spot urine (UPCR) can be used as an alternative to urine protein excretion in 24 hrs collections. UPCR in first morning urine samples is better than that in random specimens, especially for outpatients.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Urine Analysis, Routine, with Occult Blood, Qualitative
Test Code: 1276 |
CPT Code: 81005 |
Specimen Type: Urine in sterile leak proof container |
Sample Volume: 10 mL |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: NA |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: No special precautions needed |
Clinical Significance: Urinalysis is important in accessing the chemical constituents in the urine and its relationship to various disease conditions.Microscopic examination helps to detect the presence of abnormal urine cells and formed elements.
Run Day: Daily |
Reporting Day: Same day |
Urine, Conventional Smears
Test Code: 1459 |
CPT Code: 88160 |
Specimen Type: Urine in sterile leak proof container |
Sample Volume: Fix immediately with spray fixative or 95% ethyl alcoholif smears made |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Slide broken in transit beyond ability to repair |
Methodology: Conventional smears |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The conventional PAP Smear is intended for use in screening for the presence of atypical cells, urothelial cancer, and its precursor lesions, as well as all other cytologic categories.
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: Next day |
Uterus, Cervical Conization
Test Code: 1411 |
CPT Code: 88307 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 4th day |
Uterus, Curettage, Products of Conception
Test Code: 6284 |
CPT Code: 88305 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 3rd day |
Uterus, Fractional Curettage
Test Code: 1412 |
CPT Code: 88305 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 3rd day |
Uterus, Pan Hysterectomy for Malignant Tumors (More than 7 Blocks)
Test Code: 1439 |
CPT Code: 88309 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 4th day |
Uterus, Pan Hysterectomy for Non-malignant Tumors
Test Code: 1413 |
CPT Code: 88307 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 4th day |
Uterus, Tissue Passed/ Polyp
Test Code: 1372 |
CPT Code: 88305 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 4th day |
Uterus, Total Hysterectomy
Test Code: 1390 |
CPT Code: 88309 |
Specimen Type: Tissue |
Sample Volume: Specimen in 10% buffered formalin |
Transport Condition: Room temperature |
Specimen Rejection Criteria: Received frozen |
Methodology: Microscopy |
Special Requirements: Clinical history and sample site are essential |
Clinical Significance: The nature of possible underlying disease can be ruled out/confirmed through histopathological examination
Run Day: Daily, except Fri |
Reporting Day: 4th day |